Yamaha RD200 1973-79 Engine Stainless Allen Screws kit

£10.00 + VAT

27-pc Allen screw kit for engine covers

SKU: YAM200 Categories: , , Tags: , ,


Yamaha RD200 1974-1979
Engine Covers
Stainless Steel Allen Screws upgrade kit
Comprehensive kit containing 27 metric socket capscrews (Allen bolts), grade A2-70 stainless steel


Engine Casing L
Engine Casing R
Generator Cover
Oil Pump Cover
Cap Cover
Crankcase Halves (external, visible screws only)
Copy of exploded diagram
included with kit
to assist assembly.
Model Years 1973 RD200
1974 RD200 A
1975 RD200 B
1976-77 RD 200C
1977-78 RD 200D & DX
1978-79 RD 200E

Additional information

Weight 0.31 kg

Engine Casings Screws, Motor Mounts Bolts

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