Yamaha XT350 Engine Covers Stainless Allen Screws upgrade kit

£15.50 + VAT

43-piece Allen Screw kit for engine covers and crankcase halves

SKU: YAM035-B Categories: , , Tags: , ,


Yamaha XT350
Engine Covers and Crankcase
Stainless Steel Allen Screws upgrade kit
Comprehensive kit containing 43 socket capscrews,
all in grade A2-70 stainless steel

Engine Casings L/R

Oil Pump
Tacho Drive
Crankcase HalvesXT350N-M 1985-2000
Exploded diagram included
with kit to assist assembly
Note: kit includes the shouldered bolt for the oil pump housing




Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg

1985-1986, 1987-2015

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